General, Training


The UK economy is showing signs of improvement from what was seen at the end of 2023. Growth is forecast to be modest and there is a need for an extra 251,500 extra construction workers by 2028 to meet the expected levels of work. The latest Construction Skills Network report published by the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) provides insights into the UK construction economy and its future labour requirements.

The data it produces highlights forecasted trends and shows how the industry is expected to change year-on-year, allowing Governments and businesses to understand the current climate and plan for the future.

Looking at the next five years, the report released on Wednesday 15 May 2024 acknowledges the substantial recruitment and training challenges facing the industry and has made the following key predictions for 2024–28:

  • 251,500 extra workers will be required to meet UK construction output by 2028 (50,300 per year, an increase on the 44,890 in the 2023–27)
  • UK-wide growth – output growth is forecast for all devolved nations and the nine English regions.  Modest growth is expected in 2024 which will increase from 2025.
  • Recruitment – the major sectors for demand are private housing, infrastructure and repair and maintenance
  • 2.75 million workers in construction if projected growth is met by 2028

Access the full report including nation and region plans via the CITB website:

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